Gratitude Reminder

Even if your in a rush, make sure to pause for 30 seconds and be grateful for ALL the things in your life that YOU HAVE. 

Lately a woman said to me „It must be wonderful to live your life. You have a meaningful work, run your own business and have a loving husband“

My answer was: „You’re right. I am living a wonderful life. And I’m deeply grateful for this. But I experience challenges in life, like everybody else here on earth.“


Don’t let the outside picture fool you, to think others live a perfect life where everything is always going smooth.


I value real talk, over surface talk. So let me be honest here. (Spoiler alert: I come back to a positive tone at the end again 😉)

Let me share in full honesty, since starting my business a couple of years ago, I’ve experienced a couple of months where I didn’t know how to pay off my bills, no money coming in, borrowing money, big trouble in my relationship, not seeing one friend in months because I felt the pressure to make this b...

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How to work less hours

I have to admit something....I started this week totally lazy!

With three days not working - absolutely guilt free. đŸ€Ș I had booked a get away with my dear girlfriends in Frankfurt and it was just lovely!

That’s the best thing about owning your own business, right? Taking time off whenever you want.

When you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve probably started your own company in the first place, to make more money than in your corporate job AND to have more freedom to do whatever you want, when you want it. Not to work 24/7.

Do you find yourself working all the freakin‘ time?

Well, maybe you believe you have to work very hard and can’t afford to take time off. Or you’re fighting fires everyday, and your most important work seemingly has to wait until you’re done with managing your endless to-do list, so you end up working till late in the evening.

The key to work less hours and have more time or yourself is being crystal clear on your priorities, have a game plan to achieve your g...

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What to do when you lack inspiration?

Of course we all know these days when we wake up and just feel like ‚Meh, I don’t want to do X.Y.Z. today‘.

You can run around and complain to everybody and vent now. But fact is, most of the time, you have to do the task anyway. And complaining is just another form of procrastination.

So, how can you bring yourself into a state of being inspired and happy to do it.

Ask yourself the magic question:


If I don't feel inspired, how can I get inspired?


Maybe it’s as simple as getting a hot cup of tea, or coffee while sitting down. Maybe turn on your favorite music and do a little dance party (that’s one of my favorites), meditate in the middle of the day for 10 minutes, write down why you can actually be grateful to be able to do this.

Whatever helps, do it! Don’t sit around frustrated. Inspire yourself.

Create an inspiration idea list! Share this idea with others.

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Work-Life-Balance. Is it possible?

Learn how to increase your ability to focus, why balance is essential for the brain and how to go through your week with more ease.


Some say work-life balance is a myth. Some say it’s crucial in todays world.

You probably heard both sides. Who's right?

For driven and ambitious entrepreneurs this is more difficult to answer, then maybe for someone with a regular working schedule. Especially when you love your work, the lines between work and private life can become blurred.

Have you ever experienced this?

While serving clients and the constant acquisition of more ideal clients, you have calls to make, e-mails to write, the next projects in line, a launch coming up and so on. 

With all these things on your entrepreneurial plate, it can feel like another obligation to spend your precious focus on balancing your work and life areas.


High Performers actively care for their bodies and minds to ensure that they can sustain high levels of energy and efficiency


How to make ...

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